Distraction of Divas

Photo cred-Tom Marvel

Hi Friend!
I pray that you had a meaningful Easter celebration. It’s amazing how fast 2024 is flying by. This month’s devotion is about an experience I had several years ago. Although I would never call myself a runner, I have participated in different events. Now, if I enter an event, I walk only with the hopes of completing it without injury. I pray you will find comfort and encouragement in this experience and what God revealed to me.

The day of the Diva Half Marathon had arrived. I was both nervous and excited. I had never participated in a competition like this before and was ready to take on the challenge. My daughter, an experienced runner, also participated in the race. We were both eager to tackle the course set in Virginia’s beautiful wine country. The route began on a dirt road that led down a hill surrounded by towering trees and then transitioned onto pavement.

The gun went off, I quickly realized I would not be able to keep up the pace of the crowd.. After five minutes, I urged my daughter to go ahead without me. Unfortunately, not long after she left, I stepped into a hole and twisted my knee. The pain radiated through my leg every time I tried to put weight on it. I had not even reached the three-mile mark yet, and I was already worried that I wouldn’t be able to finish the race. I stopped at the first aid station to see if wrapping my knee would help, but it only provided minimal relief.

Despite this challenge, I was determined to complete the race, no matter how slow I had to go or how much pain I had to endure. I knew that this would be an actual test of my strength and focus. As the other runners began to pass me, I began praying and reciting scripture to keep me going. I repeated the verse from Isaiah, which promised that those who depend on the Lord will renew their strength . . . walk and not be weary, run, and not faint.I also reminded myself that I could do everything through Christ, who strengthens me. These words gave me the courage and endurance to keep going, even when the pain was overwhelming.

As the miles stretched on, I walked by some of the runners who had passed me. I shared my favorite scripture verses with them, and their positive responses motivated me. I was amazed at how my words encouraged them as well.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the end was in sight. The trail was lined with people cheering us on. I felt a surge of energy as I crossed the finish line. I was given a pink boa, a medal, and some chocolate. My daughter gave me a big hug. However, as I tried to walk away, my knee gave out completely, and I could barely reach the car.

When I returned home, I needed crutches to walk, so I made an appointment with my doctor. After getting an MRI, I found out that I had torn my meniscus and would need to undergo treatment. In the years to follow, I would realize the actual damage to my body.

Looking back on that accomplishment and the obstacles I encountered, I gained more than a completion medal and a debilitating injury. I learned the importance of using memorized scripture to connect me with the strength of our Savior (Jesus Christ). There are times when each of us encounters unexpected difficulties. Having scripture in our hearts and minds is more than receiving a sticker or recognition. The real reward is in the power and hope we draw from these words and the hope they give us in times of trouble.

Do you have a verse or two that you recite to help you persevere in unexpected life challenges?

Dear Lord, Thank You for being our source of strength in our moments of weakness. Your power empowers us to overcome any obstacles we face. They may look like mountains to us, but nothing is too difficult for You! Please help us to remember these Biblical truths and keep us moving forward. Amen.

As always, I appreciate your encouragement and seek to serve!
A Recent Review from Every Nation Church in Tallahassee
“The Conference was a wonderful breath of fresh air for helping women in our church and community. During the weekend, Peg encouraged them to examine their priorities and eliminate distractions, realizing that much of the world’s allurements and attractions are simply roadblocks keeping them from intimacy with Christ.  Peg dramatically brought to life characters who exposed the deceptions we allow ourselves to be entangled with, choking out the fruit-filled lives God has designed for us to experience.”  
Contact Peg today for your next event. 

More ways to Connect

Order my book and accompanying journal for a 40-day daily devotional.

Attend one of my upcoming speaking events.

Did this message encourage you? I would love to hear from you! If we are not already connected, reach out to me through any of my social links below to share what spoke to you.

Trusting God

Trusting God
Our first sight took our breath away! The Alaskan River shoreline was lined with verdant green pines as the water flowed and meandered around the bend. We saw seals diving for breakfast and heard the echoes of bald eagles calling to each other from the treetops.
My husband, Rick, and I had just arrived at a fishing camp on the Kenai River. We would be venturing out on five different excursions for the next week. We didn’t know what to expect but knew we needed to prepare for each adventure. We were responsible for dressing for the weather each day. We wore the right shoes or waders for the vessel. We brought our water, lunch, and snacks with us. We knew arriving at the dock at the right time to meet our captain and follow his instructions was important.
Whether we were on a vessel with twenty others going into the deep sea beyond the sight of shore or in a flat bottom pram with five people, once we stepped onto the boat, our lives and experiences were surrendered to our captain. Trusting him meant relying on his knowledge of the destination and the route and equipping us with the gear and bait to catch the right fish. In addition, he would stay with us until we safely returned to the shore.
I started to think about this and how it relates to my daily journey with God. In the morning, I wake up and prepare myself for the day with devotions and prayer. But when I leave that space, do I actually step off the dock into the boat and allow Jesus Christ to be my captain? Sometimes, I step into the vessel but Google the destination and direct God to where He should lead me. Other times, I can become impatient and grab the wheel because I want to control the course I expect to travel.
Do I trust enough to let God take me into the deep waters where the waves toss me, and I can’t see the horizon of familiarity? There are many examples of heroes in the Bible who model complete trust in God as they step out into obedience. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is just one. She prayed as she prepared for the massive responsibility of raising the Messiah. She had to trust God to direct her every step, equip her for the journey, and trust Him to never leave her alone.
Rick and I have had several times when God has directed us to step off the dock and shore of familiarity and trust God to be our captain to take us into unknown waters. Moving to Colorado from our home of 32 years was one of those times. Our job was to prepare. We had to make all the essential arrangements, pray, and trust God to know the route, then trust Him to equip us for the journey and keep us safe.
This move required me to prepare my heart and mind. Prayer and memorizing scripture strengthened me in times of doubt or fear. I found myself clinging to Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
”I wonder if you may be standing on that dock of familiarity, but God is nudging you to step onto the boat. Or maybe you have already stepped into the unknown and are doubting whether you heard God’s voice. It could be a move, a change in a relationship, a loss, a job change, or a diagnosis.
Whenever God nudges us, it’s important to be prepared. The essentials include prayer, seeking His guidance, and studying His Word (The Holy Bible). Above all, we must trust that God knows the route, will equip us, and will never leave us.

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, help us trust You even when we are in unknown territory and challenged by our circumstances. Lead us to words of hope and comfort that will strengthen our faith and guide our decisions. We want the confidence and the courage to follow where You lead. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

As always, I appreciate your encouragement, and support, always seeking to serve!

Check out some recent podcasts.

Find them on your favorite podcast platform!

Distraction of Demolition

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:19-21 NLT

Early one freezing winter morning last month, we drove to the Denver airport, taking my brother and his wife to catch a seven a.m. flight. On the way there, we reminisced about the special experiences they had on their first visit to our new home. When out of the blue! “Crash!” our car shook as the right side swung up, then veered and hit the cement construction barrier wall on the left. We feared the car would flip as it was dangerously balanced on the two right wheels and continued moving forward. 

My husband skillfully maneuvered the vehicle to the shoulder. We all spoke at once: “Is everyone okay?” “What just happened?” “A car came out of nowhere and hit us.” “Look at the passenger window!”

Shattered glass covered the dashboard and front seat. We breathed a sigh of relief as we realized we were not hurt nor dead, saying, “Thank you, Lord, we are okay!”

Despite being shaken up, I quickly dialed 911 to report the incident. My brother, however, scheduled an Uber to pick them up at the accident location. The next few hours were a flurry of activity. The Uber driver arrived before the policeman! We shivered outside as we talked with police, EMTs, firefighters, tow truck drivers, and insurance agents as the traffic on the busy highway whizzed by. Finally, we headed home crammed into the back seat of a truck cab, with our demolished car on the rear bed.

Once home, I wandered about aimlessly and finally cuddled in a blanket. I shared the harrowing experiences with family and friends, reliving the situation as a bad dream. Yet, as I looked at the pictures of the demolished car that hit us, God gently calmed my nerves, soothed my mind, and revealed new perspectives. First, I praised Him for protecting us. Despite the extreme damage to the cars, the personal injuries were minimal. God safeguarded all involved, even though the accident occurred on a dark, busy highway. 

Did you ever wake up with plans only to have a sudden crash interrupt and derail everything? Life precariously balances on two wheels, and you hang on, uncertain what the next step will

bring. In these moments, when our world turns upside down, it’s not our strength but the comfort and hope of God that sustains us.

Oh, it’s not over because we still have the inconvenience of no car, the insurance paperwork, doctor’s appointments, and vehicle repairs or replacement. This all takes time, and there are many emotions to process when we experience unexpected traumatic events that destroy our material things. 

Through this ordeal, God brought a familiar scripture to mind. It is not one I would

have considered in this situation.Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT) says, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, the desires of your heart will also be.”

This message warns us not to fret about material things but to focus on God’s kingdom first. Sometimes, this is difficult when those items are critical to your lifestyle and impact your finances. But I think it is God’s reminder to prioritize our relationship with Him and value the fragility of life. 

Where is my treasure after experiencing this unexpected event? My heart desires to nurture my relationship with God and others while lifting praises for His provision. I often don’t get it right, but I am grateful for God’s wisdom, guidance, and patience in these lessons.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord, 

When we encounter a situation that unexpectedly and precariously flips our lives, help us cling to Your promises. You are:

  • The strength that sustains us.
  • The comfort that supports us.
  • Our hope for the future.

Help us not give in to worries and anxiety about material inconveniences daily. But instead, focus on the treasures of connection with You and others. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.

As Always, I appreciate your encouragement and support.

Here is a free virtual conference on Feb 20th! Amazing Speakers! Hope to see you there.

Click here!

Join me for the Well Conference for Creatives this April! Check it out! https://seeyouatthewell.net/

Happy New Year from Peg

  Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.

 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. . . Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. 1 Peter 4:7b-10,11b

Happy New Year, My Friend!
How do you end a year and step into a new one?1. Do you reflect on the past year, the successes, and the lessons learned? 

2. Do you look at your resolutions from the year before and set new ones? 

3. Fast and pray? Our church begins each year with this challenge.

4. Look at your word from last year and choose another one.

5. Watch the ball drop, say goodbye to the year, and quietly step into the new one.

For the past five six years, I have chosen a word of the year (WOTY). Last year, it was Honor, and this year, it is Invest. One reason I share it with you is to keep myself accountable for continuing to let this word guide me in my faith, relationships, health, and ministry.

Invest is typically a word that is associated with financial or material gains. However, when I think about the areas of life that I want to nurture and grow, I think about the investment of my time, resources, talents, thoughts, and energies. Most people make investments with the expectation of a future benefit or reward. But we all know that some investments take a long time before their value is realized. In addition, there are those investments that completely fail, and in that loss, we learn a lesson.

Whatever you do, the New Year, like a birthday, can be filled with anticipation, hope, and new beginnings.  Each year opens the possibility to set or even renew goals and dreams and seek opportunities to grow. Sounds promising right? But we can’t do this alone. It’s important to have a community to support us in these endeavors. You. My friends are part of my community, along with my family and church. Reply to this email if I can support you in anyway.

Next month, I will return to sending you a monthly devotions.

As always, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Ever thought about attending a conference with other Christian Creatives? Talk with a publisher about that book? Find out how to start a speaking ministry? Network with Speakers, Artists, Authors, Actors, Musicians, Comics, and more? This year it is April 25-27 in Michigan. I’ll be there!

check it out-https://seeyouatthewell.net/

Join me for this Spiritual summit Conference on Feb 20th. Its free and online.

Where is Peg in 2024?

Listen to her January devotion-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_bRgO9UXRQ&list=PLtQwGKDJXulh82gW-kWVRm4OZaPKS9e4U&index=9&t=43s

February- online conference, podcasts, and Florida

March- Florida   More to come!

Experiencing Christmas

 But Mary kept all these things like a secret treasure in her heart. She thought about them over and over. Luke 2:19 NIRV

Looking at this picture above, I see the lights and the nativity figures, I feel the cold, I smell the fresh cut boughs, I hear the Christmas carols, and I taste the hot chocolate I’m drinking to keep warm. I was thinking about how to prepare for Christmas this Advent. It occurred to me to look at the holiday through our senses. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, take a deep breath, and may God’s presence be with you as you read this brand-new Christmas devotion. 

The fragrance of fresh pine instantly takes me back to a specific cherished moment of my childhood Christmas. It’s as if I’m carried back to that day when we braved the cold and drove to a tree farm searching for the perfect one. The warmth of a crackling bonfire near the entrance to the parking lot soothed our numb fingers after the triumphant haul of the tree back to our car.

The song, “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” greeted us at home with the aromas of Mom’s hot chocolate and her famous iced sugar cookies. After we warmed up and reenergized ourselves, Dad and the boys dragged the tree in and prepared it for decorating. We girls helped Mom unwrap the ornaments and listened to her recount familiar stories. She and Dad hung the more precious ones while my siblings and I fought over which ones to hang up and where they should go.

This is the season where every sight, sound, scent, taste, and touch can transport us back to the nostalgia of our past relationships and celebrations. Each different sense has the power to conjure up joyful and heartfelt memories, while some bring back ones of grief and pain.

As for that first Christmas, I cannot imagine the fear and uncertainty that Mary and Joseph must have felt. Let’s read a fictional account of Mary’s quiet confidence and experience.

“When I heard about the census, I wondered how Caesar Augustus would respond if one were to tell him that he was a part of Yeshua’s plan for the Messiah. We would never have traveled to Bethlehem if the census was not demanded. For you see, Micah’s prophecy is that this ruler, this Messiah, will come out of Bethlehem. Oh, Jehovah! You do have a sense of humor.

As we entered Bethlehem, we could barely get through the crowded streets. Everyone was looking for places to stay, some even sleeping in the alleys. Joseph wanted to find us a room but was turned down by everyone. He finally found a cave used to house animals. It was not what I had pictured, but nothing about this pregnancy had been my plan.

At first, the unwelcome smell of the animals caused me to protest, but the warmth of their bodies took the chill out of the air. Joseph gathered straw to make me a place to lie, covering it and me with our blankets that covered the donkey. The animals’ rhythmic breathing and the cooing of the doves soothed my soul as my body prepared itself for the delivery. Joseph nourished me with barley cakes and water from the local well.

The birth was complicated, but Joseph was very attentive. Neither of us knew what to do, but I felt the presence of God. That initial sound of the baby’s cry made my heart leap as I cuddled and nursed His first feeding. We wrapped him in cloths we were given by the innkeeper and laid him in the feeding trough padded with straw to sleep.

Later, we were overwhelmed with the confirmation of angel choirs and visits from the shepherds who came to worship and celebrate the birth of this holy infant. They said they knew where to go by following the directions of the angels.

Praise God, I am your handmaiden, and my journey of raising this boy has just begun; oh, the great responsibility we have to raise this child, this son of God. Through Jehovah, He will change the world.”

I wonder what memories these sights, smells, and sounds invoked for Mary throughout the years. Were the smells of a stable, the sight of a donkey, or even encountering a shepherd, ones that reminded her of the faithfulness of God? Perhaps these were some of the things she pondered in her heart.

Dear Lord, With the advent and Christmas season here, I desire to slow down. I want to appreciate the senses of this season and pause to savor their gifts. Whether it is a memory of joy or grief, let me see your presence and purpose in each reflection. Amen

I am grateful for your support and encouragement. Please let me know if there is anything I can pray for you.

Recent correspondence-

“Hi Peg, I met you at a women’s retreat day in Northern Michigan. I loved your interactive presentation! I purchased your book “Distractions For The Distracted Heart.” I just finished it and I plan to go over it once more! I read and meditate on several devotionals every day. Yours is an absolute favorite! I want to order the companion journal! You are so inspiring.” Denise MI

A picture from Foundations Christmas Banquet. Surely God was present. Peg is booking for 2024

Contact me to discuss your event for 2024.  I’d love to pray with you and see how my ministry can make it encouraging and inspirational for all who attend.  We will laugh, cry and grow closer to Jesus!

Opportunities for 2024
First, I am excited to share that I will be teaching at The Well conference in Michigan in April. You can get a $50 discount this month. check out the link below.

Second, I will be published in the Upper Room this next year for May/June and Nov/Dec.

Third- I  have two books soon to be published, One is a devotional in which I have an entry, and the other is a book I have been working on for a year to equip Speakers and teachers. It’s “Creative Ways to Captivate your Audience!” If you would like to be on the launch team for this, let me know by replying to this email. I will give you the details. 
Check out the Well Conference
More ways to Connect

FREE! Have you discovered the 7-day plan on the Bible app-You version-Devotions for the Distracted Heart?

Order my book on my website and receive an accompanying journal for a 40-day daily devotional for FREE.I am available to speak in person or virtually for your group.

Check out my upcoming speaking events, reach out, and let’s discuss how we can plan a meaningful event for your group.

Did this message encourage you? I would love to hear from you! If we are not already connected, reach out to me through any of my social links above to share what spoke to you.

Cultivating a Devoted Heart through Gratitude

Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

Dear Friend,
This months focus on Devotions for the Distracted Heart is a Gratitude Challenge with a Scripture Twist!

📖To help us embrace an attitude of gratitude, we will focus on a topic corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. 🅰️🅱️🆎Each one will have a coinciding Bible verse.   We work our way through the alphabet throughout the month of November, finding inspiration in God’s Word. You can participate in several ways.

1.You can participate on Facebook or Instagram-Check the link below.
Here’s how to participate: 
1️⃣ Share the verse of the day with #ABCGratitudeChallenge2023.
2️⃣ Reflect on what you’re grateful for that starts with the letter of the day.
 3️⃣ Challenge a friend to join and spread the love!

2. If you are off social media, just reply- I’m in!
I will send you an email each week much like this one with the verses for the week.
1. Reflect on what you’re grateful for that starts with the letter of the day.
2. Forward it to a friend to join and spread the love!

Let’s cultivate a devoted heart with thankfulness and spread positivity through the power of Scripture. 🙌 #BibleVerses #Gratitude #Faith #AlphabetChallengeAs always,

I appreciate your encouragement and seek to serve!

Peg Arnold

More ways to Connect
Subscribe to my blog for another free monthly devotional.
Order my book and accompanying journal for a 40-day daily devotional.
Attend one of my upcoming speaking events.

Did this message encourage you? I would love to hear from you! If we are not already connected, reach out to me through any of my social links below to share what spoke to you.Check it out now, and I will See You at the Well!Ever thought about attending a conference with other Christian Creatives? Speakers, Artists, Authors, Actors, Musicians, Comics, and more!
Take a closer look

Distraction of Disguise

Then she took Esau’s best clothes—they were there in the house—and instructed Jacob to put them on. And she made him a pair of gloves from the hairy skin of the young goats, and fastened a strip of the hide around his neck;  then she gave him the meat, with its rich aroma, and some fresh-baked bread. Genesis 27: 15-17

Halloween is the time when many children are masquerading as all sorts of characters. No matter how you celebrate this fall tradition, it typically involves a costume: a disguise that helps to hide your identity. For some, there is an element of freedom in this masquerade. 

But is Halloween the only time we hide behind a mask? Of course, I am not referring to the masks we wear as a part of the Covid protocols, but the facades we create and maintain when we leave our homes. It’s not as obvious as a superhero, but it can be as effective in hiding our true selves.

There are many examples using disguises in the Bible. Most were intended to mislead others or hide the truth. The story of Jacob is one of them. With the help of his mother, he intentionally dressed up like his brother Esau to deceive his father and receive the family blessing. The ruse was successful and changed the course of history, for Jacob then became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel (Check out Genesis 27).

We may think we are not being deceptive with our use of masks. We justify these facades to conceal our vulnerabilities and protect us from trusting others. Some people label this our public self and private self. However, these disguises act as a shield and limit others from growing too close. Whether we are covering up insecurity with a mask of confidence or depression with cheerfulness, we are never really allowing others to know our true selves. But God sees through any disguise we might wear. He sees our true self and desires us to trust Him enough to reveal our deepest hurts, shame, and challenges. He is there to forgive and love us. Though we are overwhelmed by our sins, you forgive them all. Psalm 65:3.

Dear Lord,

Help me to remove any masks I may try to use to hide from you and others. Give me the strength to expose my true self to those who love me. Help me to love others well enough so they can remove their masks and experience the healing freedom of trust. Amen

I always appreciate your responses and support. I try to respond to every note I receive. Reach out today!

Check out some recent events!
Fall has been filled with opportunities to serve in ministry and celebrate a new family member!
The Devoted Women’s Retreat-At Applewood Baptist in Colorado.
Meeting my newest granddaughter! Her name is Noah, and her birth story is filled with God’s miracles.
Pictures from Grace Adventures-Revive, Renew, and Refresh! What a special group of ladies!More Grace Adventures-There was a rainbow over the lodge on Sunday morning!

Looking forward to where God takes me next!

Check out my latest video  Click here And feel free to share it!

Distraction of Situational Demands

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. Colossians 3:12-14

“I’ve got one!“ I cried, furiously reeling in the fishing line. It was my first catch, a 32-inch halibut, the biggest fish I had ever caught. This excursion out of Homer was one of many on this Alaskan vacation. We were dressed in gloves, jackets, and earmuffs. Other experiences included:

  1. Sightseeing for Beluga whales at Turnagain Arm.
  2. Watching glaciers calve on a harbor cruise in Seward.
  3. Hiking in Anchorage.
  4. Flying into a secluded river surrounded by mountains and populated with bears.
  5. Fishing from a boat or from shore, dressed in waist-high waders, on the Kenai River.
  6. Even being pulled into the waters by a tractor at Ninilchik.

Every experience had its own majesty and diverse conditions. Whether we were whale watching, hiking, or fishing for halibut, silvers, or sockeye, each day demanded different clothing and equipment, adapting to the weather, the activity, and the fish we hoped to catch.

This brought one of my favorite verses, Colossians 3:12-14 to mind, where Paul talks about clothing ourselves in the characteristics of Christ. Just as we adapted our clothing and equipment to suit the weather and the fish we were targeting, it reminded me of the importance of adapting our spiritual attire to the situations we face in life.

Every trait of Christ is necessary in various conditions. Kindness and love should always radiate from us, but sometimes the situation requires more self-control, patience, or forgiveness. Different circumstances require different attributes, yet love, as Colossians 3:14 in the Message reminds us, is our all-purpose garment.

As we prepare for the day, typically, we put on foundational garments before we dress in our clothes. So love is the foundation for every other trait needed for the day. Loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves are the cornerstones of our faith. However, it’s important to note that we may struggle to demonstrate these traits when we haven’t loved ourselves enough to be well-rested. Fatigue can erode our patience, ability to be kind, and self-control, making it vital to prioritize self-care.

 When I am tired, irritability rears its ugly head much more quickly than the patience of love. If I am going to love with a 1st Corinthians 13 love, I need to be well rested. This enables me to better demonstrate patience, kindness, and humility even in challenging times. 

So, consider what clothing you require as you enter today’s situations. Are you well-rested and prepared to clothe yourself in love, the foundational garment for every other attribute of Christ? May your journey today be dressed with the virtues that shine God’s light into the world around you. Whether it’s challenging or predictable, may you touch the hearts of those you encounter.

Dear Lord,

I desire to be dressed in your virtues of love, kindness, humility, patience, and forgiveness so I can be Your light to those around me. Reveal to me the best ways to prepare for this each day. Amen.

I truly appreciate your continued support and encouragement. Please let me know how I can pray for you!

Distraction of Dorms

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Some of you may remember this devotion. I have talked with many who are entering this season and felt it was important to post it again. If you know someone who is sending their child to college, please share this. Or if someone is going through a difficult time with a child, this blog has 4 prayers to pray for their child.

August used to be vacation month, but now it heralds the first day of the new school year. Whether your child is beginning kindergarten, entering middle/high school, or preparing for that first year in college, this season brims with errands and emotions.
One of my most vivid memories was the day we moved my daughter into her first dorm room. She chose our alma mater, a 10-hour drive away. We had shopped and packed everything under the sun to put into that 10×10 room that would be her new home for the year. She and her roommate had meticulously planned who would bring what; however, more items were needed when we arrived.
We followed the long line of cars filled with fellow parents and first-year students. The air was filled with high expectancy and a myriad of sensations. I had been anticipating this day for the past six months with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it was an exciting time in my daughter’s life. On the other hand, it was a monumental change for me.
The memory of her first day of elementary school flashed in my mind- the grief, the absence, the vulnerability to outside challenges and influences. I was now facing an emotion that far trumped those feelings from before. I wouldn’t see my girl for weeks, even months. She was an independent college student making decisions that would impact her life.
The sun was setting when we completed all the errands, and the inevitable farewell was in sight. I didn’t want to do this. I hesitated. How would she navigate newfound freedom? Overcome temptations? Who would ensure her safety? Leaving her in the dorm proved heart-wrenching. The parting hug, my tears in contrast to the excitement in her eyes, remain etched in my mind. Walking back to the car with my husband, we prayed for her safety, protection, and choices as we began the tearful 10-hour drive home.
Trust- it’s something we talk about, but so very challenging. I had to release my daughter to God’s care, trusting Him to safeguard her in this new phase. Could God shield her entirely? No, but His love surpassed mine; He loved her first.
Despite knowing these things, I began to worry. Anxiety created stress, which led to sleeplessness, and an erosion of trust. This affected my relationship with my daughter and with God. I needed to make a change.
Then I remembered. When my children were younger, I used to pray the scriptures for them. I would take a verse, read it and then use it as a prayer putting their name in it. I needed to practice this daily.
Here are some examples:
Proverbs 3:5-6; Dear Lord, I pray that _ learns to trust in you with his/her whole heart. I pray that You will bring people into his/her life who will help his/her acknowledge You and guide each step he/she takes. Amen

Jeremiah 29:11; Dear Lord, I know you have plans for ____. Plans to protect him/her, not to harm him/her, plans to give him/her a hope and a future. Lord, I pray he/she learns to call on Your name and is confident You will hear him/her when he/she does. Amen.
Philippians 4:6; Dear Lord, Help me not to be anxious about all the things that could go wrong with __ while he/she is at school. I thank you for this opportunity for him/her and trust in you for protection. May I feel your peace, and may Your peace guard his/her heart too.

Joshua 1:9;  Dear Lord,  Help ___________ to be strong and courageous, not to fear or be dismayed.  Help him/her to keep their eyes on You and know that you are with him/her wherever they go.

The power of praying the scriptures helped distract me from my worry, and I grew in my relationship with Christ. As my prayer life grew and I began depending on God for my strength, trusting Him with my daughter instead of letting the stress of worry consume me. What loved one are you worried about today? Try praying the scriptures for them using their name. It may make all the difference.
Dear Lord,
Your ways are not mine, and my thoughts are not Yours. I am so very grateful that your ways are greater than my comprehension. I am thankful that Your love for those I cherish is boundless. Forgive me when I forget this and cloud my thoughts with worry. Help me to trust in You with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. Amen

As always, I appreciate your encouragement and seek to serve!

Peg Arnold

Bringing Stories to Life!

 Devotions for the Distracted Heart- I am offering free journals with every book purchase during this time.  https://pegarnold.org/shop/

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Distraction of Decluttering

This is a picture of my schoolbag from elementary school, before we had backpacks! The box behind it was filled with mementos from my childhood.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourself heavenly treasures… For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21

We’ve all heard the phrases, “Keep it simple,” “Less is more,” and even “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” These expressions refer to the various ways we need to unclutter our lives from too much stuff, activities, expectations, and even emotional baggage. Decluttering and downsizing are essential steps toward cutting back on all this stuff.

After downsizing my parents’ belongings to smaller households and even cleaning my home of 32 years, I realized that I hold onto more “STUFF” than I need to keep. However, deciding to throw anything away proves to be very difficult for me. Organizing and discarding rather than hoarding and storing is healthier. But some items hold emotional connections, special memories, or the potential to be used later, making it overwhelming.

The decluttering process may be simple to describe, but it takes work to implement if you are like me. I marvel at my adult children and how they can make decisions to minimize clutter. For me, it is more complicated. It’s not the decluttering that is the distraction but the presence of clutter. Decluttering is the process that liberates me to focus on what truly matters.

I have some friends who excel at helping others declutter and simplify their surroundings. They have critical eyes and use three categories for decluttering: discard, donate, or organize and keep. For the items to discard or donate, she advises me to ask: Have I used this item in the last year? Does it have the potential to find purpose in someone else’s life? If yes, give it away. If not, discard it.

As for the unique things filled with cherished memories, she suggests taking a picture, writing down the memory, and starting a book or box of special memories. This takes up significantly less space than the physical items themselves. Alternatively, making a digital file and storing it on the computer eliminates clutter entirely!

For the items I choose to keep, she recommends organizing them orderly and logically, using boxes and labels if necessary. Even donating duplicates if I have too many of one thing.

I did well with this process when I moved to Colorado. Now, after five years, it’s time to do this again. Sometimes it requires me to decide on the area to declutter, set a timer, and work in small chunks of time. Either way, I want to honor God by valuing His treasures more than earthly treasures.

Dear Lord,

I have discovered one of the distractions that keep me separated from You – my clutter. Please help me uncover where my true treasure lies. Is it in the chaos? The material things? Or does it lie in serving You? Please guide me in finding ways to clear the clutter in my surroundings and mind. Reveal to me what I need to release from the storage rooms of my surroundings and the closets of my heart, opening up space to discover Your presence, love, and calling. Amen

This devotion was first published in Pegs book, Devotions for the Distracted Heart. To receive your copy and a free journal, check out this link. Great for gifts. https://pegarnold.org/shop/